I've been watching so many animations lately (Internet, Anime, TV Shows...etc), I've been reading books about animation, movie editing and directing and practicing all what I learned! I know how to make scenes more alligned and not boring! *finally*
And that shit just gave me the itches to MAYKE MEE SUM AMENAAYSHANZ!
I've already written scripts and did roughs for almost 7 upcoming animations and I really want to animate them so bad!
OH OH OH! AND ONE MORE THING! Less tweened work, more frame by frame... That's what I'm gonna be doing from now on...
And I've come up with parodies about some Animes I've watched! I just hope people would like my sense of humour.
I've also started learning how to use FL Studio! I realized that the piano lessons that I took as a kid weren't so helpful at this point... So I might be taking piano lessons sooner or later.
The only problem standing between me and going ultimate frenzy mode, is school... The obvious excuse!
I've got finals coming up after a week or so. Hopefully, I'll be done by them on the 9th of June.
Then I'll be able to use my Limit attack.
Thanks to all the people who wasted their time to read this!
And to all the people who helped and supported me, and offered assisstance on my projects.
I just realized that... Newgrounds is the best freaking community on the internet!
Nice words :)
omq ikr?